Moyi's Vlog

「 ES!! 」Sunlit Smile - Eden / Eve [ KAN / ROM / ENG ]

..▷ 529K....💬 12K....♡ 263K

Comments 5K


Before You Follow i don't usually text first + because of bad mental health i will become distant at various times. please use tone tags w/ me!! i make nsfw / kys joke lmk if you're uncomfortable with that sort of stuff & i'll keep it in mind ♡!!

Do Not Follow If basic dni criteria, if you generalise a group / community. eg. pin pointing a singular bad perspective of a community and disregarding everything else ; unless the vast majority has been proven otherwise. xenophobes, fujoshies.

Account Info.......... :

hiyori tomoe's no.1 fans

moyi or mika ( doll dollself he him ) 13+ transmasc un - labelled, ESTJ 2w3. chinese, eng or 中文 are OK! true nuetral aries check pronouny



Notes : this carrd may not look good on android devices sorry

「 ES!! 」Moonlight Disco - BRADIO [ MV ]

..▷ 893K....💬 36K....♡ 511K

anime : vanitas, bungou stray dogs, spy x fa . .
manga : doukyuusei, secret alliance, the pro . .
donghua : link click, heavens official blessing . .
games : enstars, genshin, twst, hypmic, maho . .
kinnies : mika kagehira (for fun and thats it tbh)

Up Next........... :

.EDEN videos. • 45 min

.EVE videos. • 22 min

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